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Sigma Beauty

Sigma Beauty Basic Face Kit  

적립될 마일리지
상품코드 C2KE00356
모델명 -
제조사/원산지 Sigma Beauty
국제배송방법 PassCargo
배송가능지역 전국 (일부 도서/산간지역 제외)
국제배송기간 약 7~10일
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※ 주의
1. 배송소요일은 예상일이므로, 실제배송 기간과 다를수 있습니다.
2. 해당상품은 신속한 해외수입대행을 위해 당일 구매되는 상품이므로 신청후 변경 및 취소가 불가능한 점 양지하시기 바랍니다.

이전 페이지로 목록으로


• The Basic Face Kit contains five professional quality brushes for the face. Perfect to apply liquid, cream and powder formulas, this kit is ideal for all over face makeup application.​

• EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: SigmaTech™ Fibers - Sigma Beauty's exclusive selection of high performance synthetic fibers engineered to outperform traditional animal hair. Features technologically advanced filaments with specialized tips developed to hold and deliver cream and powder products without any absorption into the bristles. Built to last, SigmaTech™ fibers are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and will maintain its original shape and color even after multiple washes. Ferrules - The patented 3-ring brush ferrule is made with high performance SigmaAlloy™ for durability and strength. Patent No. D718060. Handles - Each brush handle is made from a lightweight, sustainable source of wood which receives 8 coats of paint, making them scratch resistant and guaranteed to last.

WHY WE LOVE IT: The Sigma Beauty Face Kit contains five professional quality brushes for the face.

WHAT IT DOES: Perfect to apply liquid, cream and powder formulas, this kit is ideal for all over face makeup application.

Brushes Included:
• F30 - Large Powder: Even powder application. Uniform blending of powder products onto the face and body
• F40 - Large Angled Contour: Subtle cheek application- Use the angle to softly contour the cheekbone or apply blush
• F50 - Duo Fibre: Creates an airbrush effect onto the skin- Can be used with powder, liquid or cream products
• F60 - Foundation: Smooth foundation application- Apply liquid or cream products such as foundation and primer
• F70 - Concealer: Conceal small areas- Conceal the hardest to reach areas such as around the nose and eyes




  • 문의 : 전화 (070-7018-7077) 또는 문의게시판
  • 대응시간 : 평일 09:30 ~ 18:00 (점심시간 12:30 ~ 13:30, 주말 휴무, 기타 공휴일은 별도 안내)
  • AS 문의 : (주) 시스퀘어코리아 (070-7018-7077)
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